About Us


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This is where I get to tell you a little about me. As a wedding and portrait photographer for over 15 years, I’ve photographed over 400 weddings and that is the last time I tried to keep a tally. I’ve won a few awards, had my personal work published in art magazines, traveled to distant lands, and witnessed a whole lot of love. I live in Oakland, CA but call the world my home.

In my downtime, I am an avid adventurer but happy to pass the time connecting with new and old friends, snuggling my dogs Judy and Edith, tackling house projects with my husband, or using my camera to give back.

For me being a photographer is more than a just career. It is my voice, it is my passion. I am grateful every day that I get to do what I love; tell stories and celebrate people’s lives. If I get the opportunity to share a glimpse into your journey, then I thank you.

Cheers! - Sarah


Favorite Things

Hover to see my favorites

person and place
morning cup of sunshine
Unknown Adventureunknown adventure
music and my gal judy
Unknown Adventureunknown adventure
morning cup of sunshine
music and my gal judy
person and place
