Jennifer + Brian {the wedding}

Hi guys!

Rob here…….. I convinced Sarah to let me blog this one 🙂

I accompanied Sarah on Jen and Brian’s engagement session a number of months ago and was happy to meet and spend an afternoon / evening with these kids.   At one point we stopped for a breather and a couple shots at a wine bar in downtown Sac and I had the chance to tap into Brian’s vast reservoir of vino knowledge (Brian is a Kendall Jackson wine rep).   After we had polished off a glass of stellar KJ chardonnay we moved on towards more great shots and getting better acquainted.

Fast forward a few months and I was honored to be a guest at their rehearsal dinner.  What a great time.  It was a big room full of  love, smiles, anticipation and of course plenty of quality wine!

Their wedding took place in Auburn, CA and we couldn’t have asked for better weather for the big day.  Jen looked stunning and Brian was killing it in that suit.  I amiably served as Sarah’s gear caddy for the day and was able to observe Sarah and her assistant capture the moments as they unfolded without a hitch.

Here are a few of my favorites for now……. ( I even picked them out ).

Congrats guys!


I thought this was pretty special and unique.

Brian and Jen held hands and imprinted them into a clay tablet inscribed with their names and the date of their marriage.